Kamis, 12 Juli 2012


Ruyard Kipling adalah satu dari sedikit penulis  dalam sejarah yang telah menikmati hasil luar biasanya, popularitas mendunia dalam kesehariannya  seperti halnya pujian dari pria pengkritik yang paling diskriminasi  selayaknya henry james dan Robet Louis Stevenson, seperti TS Elliot dan someret Maugham. Anak seorang profesor arsitek seni pahat amerika_keturunan indian , ia lahir di Bombay pada tahun 1865. Di sana ia dibesarkan dalam asuhan "ayahs" atau perawat pribumi yang mengajarinya bahasa Hindustan dan pengetahuan pribumi yang selalu menghantui imajinasinya. Pada usia enam tahun ia dibawa ke Inggris. Pada dua belas tahun ia dikirim ke sebuah sekolah di westward ho!, tempat terjadinya stalky & co. pada tahun 1883 ia kembali ke India untuk menjadi asisten editor dari Berita sipil dan militer di Lahore dan, kemudian, editor perintis di Allahabad, menulis berita seperti halnya cerita-cerita dan balada yang mulai membuat reputasinya naik lagi. Setelah tujuh tahun ia kembali ke Inggris, sastra "star of the hour". Ia menikah dengan seorang gadis Amerika dan tinggal di Vermont off  dari 1892-1894. Lalu ia menetap di pedesaan inggris dimana dia tinggal, kecuali untuk beberapa perjalanan di luar negeri, dalam sisa hidupnya. Dia meninggal pada tahun 1936. Penulis cerita dan puisi yang tak terhitung karyanya, ruyard Kipling terutama dikenal untuk ..... ----......Di antara banyak gelar kehormatan lain, ia menerima hadiah nobel untuk sastra pada tahun 1907.

The Bantam
Drama ini luar biasa, kisah tak lekang oleh waktu yang merupakan cerita dunia yang paling terkenal "pecinta bernasib sial". Cintaremaja yang tak tergoyahkan dari Juliet dan romeo menentang perseteruan yang memutuskan keluarga  mereka-capulets dan Montague- seperti kebutuhan mendesak mereka untuk bersama, pertemuan rahasia mereka, dan akhirnya pernikahan tersembunyi mereka mengantar mereka ke arah tragedi. Sebuah mahakarya yang telah lama memikat hati penonton, tragedi yang romantis ini telah menjadi bagian dari warisan sastra dari semua orang di semua bangsa.

Alan dundes is associate professor of anthropology and folklore at the university of California, Berkeley…………. He especially interested in folklore theory and method, an area in which he has become an internationally recognized authority.
Alan dundes adalah profesor bidang antropologi dan cerita rakyat di universitas California, Berkeley ............. Ia terutama tertarik pada teori dan metode cerita rakyat, daerah di mana ia telah menjadi otoritas yang diakui secara internasional.

Buku ini untuk para mahasiswa yang menulis makalah-makalah. itu bukan buku yang tipis. buku yang tipis tidak akan memecahkan banyak masalah yang dihadapi oleh para penulis makalah.
jika menggunakan buku seukuran ini akan mengganggu, pikirkan tentng ini: buku yang kamu pegang ditanganmu tidak untuk dimaksudkan untuk dibaca sebagai hiburan. selain itu buku ini merupakan buku referensi. gunakan buku itu seperti kamu menggunakan berbagai buku referensi lain seperti kamus atau ensiklopedia.galilah yang ada didalamnya dari waktu ke waktu untuk menemukan jawaban dari pertanyaan yang muncul saat kamu menulis makalahmu. gunakan buku sedikit demi sedikit, bagian demi bagian tidak seluruhnya dalam sekali waktu

penulis memilih sepuluh artikel yang menganalisa pengaruh dari lithium carbonate dan imipramine terhadap gangguan afektif bipolar(manik depresi). tujuh dari artikel mengamati lithium karbonat dibandingkan pengobatan, plasebo. tiga artikel lainnya mempelajari efektivitas imipramine dalam pengobatan gangguan afektif bipolar. penelitian ini dilakukan dengan membandingkan hasil dari empat percobaan terhadap pasien yang berbeda: lithium karbonat itu sendiri, impramine itu sendiri,kombinasi dari kedua karbonat lithium dan impamine, serta pengobatan placebo. konsensus dalam artikel ini adalah bahwa lithium karbonat merupakan pengobatan yang efektif untuk gangguan afektif bipolar, meskipun itu mengontrol tahapan periode manik lebih baik dari periode depresi. impramine, disisi lain efektif dalam menangani depresi, tetapi pada pasien yang rentan terhadap manik dan pada beberapa wanita hal itu meningkatkan frekuensi dari periode manik. kombinasi dari lithium karbonat dan impramine kurang efektif dibandingkan lithium karbonat saja, dan lebih banyak orang menderita akibat dari efek sampingnya.

Ruyard kipling was one of the few writers in history who have enjoyed overwhelming, world-wide popularity in their own day, as well as the praise of the most discriminating critics-men as far apart as henry james and robet Louis Stevenson, as T.S. Elliot and someret Maugham. Son of an anglo-indian professor pf architectural sculpture, he was born in Bombay in 1865. There he was brought up in the care of “ayahs” or native nurses, who taught him Hindustani and the native lore that always haunted his imagination. At the age of six he was taken to England. At twelve he was sent to a school at westward ho!, the scene of stalky & co. in 1883 he returned to india to become assistant editor of the civil and military gazette in Lahore and, later, editor of the pioneer in Allahabad, writing the news stories as well as the tales and ballads that began to make his reputation. After seven years he went back to England, the literary “star of the hour”. He married an American girl and stayed in vermont off and on from 1892 to 1894. Then he settled down in english countryside where he remained, except for a few trip abroad, for the rest of his life. He died in 1936. The author of innumerable stories and poems, ruyard kipling is especially  known for ……. Among many other honors, he received the nobel prize for literature in 1907.

The bantam
This magnificent, timeless drama is the world’s most famous tale of “star-crossed lovers”. The young, unshakable love of Juliet and romeo defies the feud that devides their families—the capulets and montagues—as their desperate need to be together, their secret meetings, and finally their concealed marriage drive them toward tragedy. A masterwork that has long captured the heart of audiences, this romantic tragedy has become part of the literary heritage of all peoples in all nations.

Rabu, 09 Mei 2012

Novel  The Blacker The Berry karya Wallace Thurman merupakan novel yang
berkaitan dengan diskriminasi warna kulit yang ada di komunitas kulit hitam. Emma Lou
sebagai tokoh utama adalah seorang yang mempunyai kulit yang sangat hitam yang
ditolak oleh keluarga dan masyarakatnya yang mempunyai kulit percampuran kulit hitam
dan kulit putih.

Setting waktu novel ini kira-kira pada waktu Amerika mengalami the Great Depression. Ceritanya tentang seorang perempuan Afro-Amerika yang berusaha keras memutihkan kulitnya, baik dengan memakai make up berlebih, sampai kepada usaha bleaching. Tidak hanya penampilan fisiknya, dia juga berusaha mengubah status sosial dan pergaulannya. Di kala itu, perempuan kulit hitam yang keling lebih sulit diterima dalam pergaulan dan pekerjaan dibandingkan dengan mereka yang mullato (hasil perkawinan campur kulit hitam dengan kulit putih atau yang memiliki kulit lebih terang). Menurut saya, cerita ini sangat tragis. Tragisnya, karena si tokoh begitu desperate ingin mengubah warna kulitnya. Seingat saya, komentar orang di sekitar si tokoh tentang warna kulitnya turut membentuk kebencian si tokoh terhadap warna kulitnya sendiri.
Setelah menyimak Novel The Blacker the Berry, dapat disimpulkan bahwa

Emma Lou Morgan menggunakan orang lain  sebagai cermin dalam mengidentifikasi
dirinya. Orang lain atau masyarakat mempunyai peran penting  dalam mempengaruhi
perubahan karakter Emma dalam hidupnya. Pengaruh masyarakat terhadap kepribadian
Emma dapat dikelompokkan dalam pengaruh  masyarakat pada masa kecilnya dan
pengaruh masyarakat pada usia dewasanya.
Pengaruh ini dapat dilihat melalui kepribadian Emma yang berubah dari rendah diri,
benci terhadap diri sendiri sampai akhirnya menerima dirinya sendiri.

Selasa, 03 April 2012

Untuk dapat lulus dari perguruan tinggi saat ini terdapat beberapa syarat yang hampir sama untuk seluruh universitas di Indonesia. Begitu juga dengan universitas diponegoro yang tentunya juga memiliki beberapa syarat salah satunya dengan mengikuti ujian toefl. Hal ini dikarenakan untuk setiap mahasiswa lulusan dari perguruan tinggi manapun dapat menerapkan bahasa inggris dalam kehidupan nyata setidaknya secara pasif. Untuk itu universitas diponegoro khususnya fakultas ilmu budaya membatasi skor ujian minimal 450 poin untuk sastra inggris regular 2. Begitulah kira-kira yang disampaikan oleh ibu martini selaku pegawai bagian kemahasiswaan jurusan sastra inggris regular 2. Beliau menyampaikan juga bahwa mulai per 1 april biaya pendaftaran utuk ujian toefl mengalami kenaikan Rp. 25.000,- yang tadinya Rp. 50.000,- menjadi Rp. 75.000,- per mahasiswa. Beliau menyampaikan juga bahwa diharapkan untuk mahasiswa yang akan atau sedang mengambil mata kuliah skripsi segera mendaftarkan diri untuk mengikuti ujian. Hal ini sangat membantu mahasiswa mempercepat proses kelulusanya dan tidak menjadi masalah yang membuat proses kelulusan tertunda. Demikianlah hasil dari wawancara yang kami lakukan dengan ibu martini selaku pegawai bagian kemahasiswaan jurusan sastra inggris fakultas ilmu budaya universitas diponegoro pada tanggal 4 april 2012.

Minggu, 08 Januari 2012


Desire Under The Elms (DUTE) is the first O’Neill’s work with a Greece tragedy style. Desire Under The Elms (DUTE) narrated about Ephraim Cabot family which aged 75 years. He had three adult sons. Simeon and Peter were the sons of his first wedding, meanwhile, Eben from the second. Yet, both of his wives had died, so, he just lived with his three sons. Cabot’s family was less harmonist since a dispute often happened in this family because Cabot educated his sons tightly enough. Because of disenjoyable condition of the family, Cabot decided to leave his home for two months in order to look for commandment of God like it was done by the messenger. At the same time, during Cabot’s going, his sons thought and considered that he had died because of leaving home for a long time without any news. So, they wanted to take over their father riches and properties such as his houses and fields. They also prayed may their father would rest in peace as soon as possible. Peter and Simeon arranged to go to California, because there was a lot of gold in there, based on their opinion. They wanted to be a golden mine since they were bored of living with their father and cultivating the field. However, Eben intended to stay at home until his father died. So, after dying, all of the riches would be belong to him. Both of Eben’s brothers did not care about Eben’s attitude toward this. They thought that by keeping staying at home, he would be a  farmer forever.
Actually, Simeon and Peter did not have enough money to go to California. Yet, Eben convinced that he would take his father saving, so they could go to California. Before fulfilling the intention to steal his father savings, suddenly, Cabot came from his wandering by bringing a young beautiful wife, her name was Abbie Putnam.  Cabot’s sons’ hatred to their father became more increased. Knowing those facts, Simeon and Peter felt discomfort and wanted to leave their home as soon as possible. However, Eben still on his commitment to stay at home until his father die because he would get the wealth as it was his mother inheritance. Abbie’s presence in Cabot’s family caused a hatred arise in the Eben’s heart. He felt his step mother presence would hamper his will to take over all of the riches. Eben only wanted to have the house and the field together with its substance as it was his mother inheritance. Meanwhile, Abbie ,which intended to have all of her husband riches in the first time, had felt in love with her step son Eben in which still young and handsome which is able to satisfy her desires in which she could not get all of these from his old husband. Knowing that Eben was so adore his mother, Abbie tried to act calmly and paid more attention in order to get Eben’s sympathy.  She tried to be able to make a love with Eben because she never got spiritual satisfaction from his husband. His step mother behavior made Eben thought that his step mother was crazy. Eben was so angry and finally a dispute happened, Eben stated that his step mother was obvious anymore. During the dispute, suddenly Cabot came and reconciled Abbie and Eben by asking what really happened. Eben ignored his father asking, then he walked away to leave his father and mother in the kitchen and did not care about Abbie’s statement that forced Eben into a corner. According to Abbie’s accusation, Eben pursued to make a love with her. Certainly, it made Cabot angry and intended to kill Eben. Yet, Abbie avoided him.
While Cabot talking about his farming that would be handling by Eben, then, Abbie promised to Cabot that she would give a child to him. Firstly, Cabot thought that he could not give an offspring because of the age, but Abbie convinced that she had prayed to God in order to be able to give a child to Cabot. Cabot asked Abbie to keep on praying in order to be able to realize his willingness. Later on, because Cabot thought could find a peace in the other place, he went to talk with his cows and it made him happy.  While Abbie and Eben were having a meal in dining room, Abbie tried to pursue Eben in order to fulfill her desires. Finally, Eben could not control himself and tricked into his mother persuasion. Later on, they went to Eben’s room together. A year later, a child that had been expected by Cabot for a long time born. A big party accompanied the born of the baby. All of Cabot neighbor which were invited to the party felt suspicious because of the origin of the baby. They did not believe if Cabot could give a health and normal child. Eben did not join the party because he knew that the child was from his sins with Abbie. During the party, a dispute between Cabot and Eben arose, Cabot accused Eben that he would snatch Abbie away from him. Cabot also talked that Abbie ever said that Eben wanted to make a love with her. Listening to the defamation, Ebben felt so angry and promised to kill Abbie. However, Cabot avoided and tried to stop it. Then, Abbie came to arbitrate them, but Cabot left them and joined to the party and forgot that dispute.  Eben and Abbie had a dispute and insulted each other. Eben accused Abbie had tricked him to get all of his father riches, moreover with the presence of the baby; it will ease Abbie in getting all the wealth. Abbie tried to explain what exactly happened, but Eben did not have any desires listening to Abbie’s explanation. Later on, Eben hated her because of the presence of the baby. Abbie would have done everything to convince Eben that she really loved him more than everything.
In a morning, Abbie had done a crazy acting. She had killed his child while sleeping. This was done to prove that there would not be an obstacle anymore between them to love each other. Knowing the fact, Eben was so upset because the child was his son. Afterwards, he called sheriff to imprison Abbie. Meanwhile, Cabot regarded that the child was sleeping, he tried to wake him up, but he did not get up. Finally, Cabot asked Abbie to wake him up. Abbie told Cabot that the child had died. Abbie also told that the child was not Cabot’s child but he was belong to Eben. Sooner, Eben came and followed by the sheriff.  After the case, Eben was aware that Abbie did those acting because of love. So did Eben, he actually loved Abbie and did not want to lose Abbie. Later on, Eben asked the sheriff imprison him as well since he also involved in this case. Since Cabot faces a shocking event, he decided to go to California. He only thought to bring his savings to be provision during his way to California and leaved all of the wealth and fields. Unfortunately, all of his saving had gone. He knew that Eben had spent it. Finally, Eben admitted that he had spent all of the savings and gave it to his brother as  a cost to go to California. Cabot just contemplated his tragic destiny. Later, he asked the sheriff bring Abbie and Eben to go out of his building.

Senin, 13 Juni 2011

Willy Loman, a sixty-year-old traveling salesman was an old seller who slowly became mad. He likes to think of himself as being vital to the New England territory. Oneday Willy has just come back home after having left New England earlier that morning. He tells his wife Linda that he has returned unexpectedly because he cannot seem to keep his mind on driving anymore. Linda thinks that he needs a long rest. He asks about his sons, who are home for the first time in years.
He continued to slip again to the memory of the past, and can't seem to keep his mind on the present. Willy has a flashback of a time when Biff and Happy were promising high school students.  In the flashback, Willy gives his sons a punching bag.  He also condones Biff’s stealing of a football and doesn’t encourage them to study as much as they should.  He emphasizes being well liked.  After the flashback, Happy talks with Willy and asks him why he didn’t go to New England for his business trip.  Willy explains that he almost hit a kid in Yonkers.  He also tells his sons of his brother Ben who made a fortune on a trip to Africa. Willy has trouble understanding why Biff, his thirty-four year old son, cannot find a job and keep it. After all, Biff is attractive and was a star football player in high school with several scholarships; however, he could not finish his education, for he flunked math. When Biff went to Boston to find his father and explain the failure to him, he found Willy in his hotel room having an affair with a strange woman. Afterwards, Biff held a grudge against his father, never trusting him again. Biff and his brother Happy try to think of some job that Biff could get that would allow him to settle down in New York. Biff thinks of a man named Bill Oliver, for whom he was worked; Biff believes he can get a loan of ten thousand dollars from Oliver in order to begin a business of his own. Biff and Happy tell Willy about their plans. Willy explains to his sons that the important things in life are to be well liked and to be attractive. Willy assures Biff that he is attractive and that Oliver has always liked him. The next day, Willy is to meet his sons for dinner at a restaurant to hear how Oliver has reacted to Biff’s request for a loan. Willy himself goes to young Howard Wagner, the present owner of the firm for which he works, and asks for a transfer to New York City. Howard tells him there is no room for him in New York and then explains to Willy that he cannot even represent the firm in New England any more. This news turns Willy's life upside-down. Suddenly unemployed, he feels frightened and worthless. He goes to Charley, an old friend, to borrow money to pay his insurance premium. After Charley lends him the money, Willy goes to the restaurant to meet his sons.
At night, Biff and Happy arrive at the restaurant before their father.  Biff explains to happy that he didn’t get the money, and happy encourages his brother to lie.  Willy arrives.  Biff tries to tell Willy that he didn’t get the money and that he stole a fountain pen from Bill.  However, Happy is at the same time lying to Willy that Bill warmly welcomed Biff.  Willy apparently accepts Happy’s version.  Willy tells his sons that he was fired and falls into his reverie having a flashback of the time Biff caught him in his affair.  He remembers that it was that moment that Biff’s life ended.  Happy does not want to put up with his father and leaves with Biff and two girls they met earlier at the restaurant.  The two of them arrive home late and the coldly receives by Linda.  Biff confronts Willy about his suicide attempts and Willy denies everything.  He tells Biff that he did not get any money from Oliver and has no hope go get any money.  He accuses Willy of not know who he really is.  However, after this, Biff cries and leaves. Willy realizes that he loves him and decides to kill himself, In the end, Willy commits suicide. He dies in a car "accident", an attempt to leave his life insurance money to his sons, so that they could succeed in life. He hoped that he could give something to them so that they would not turn out to be "failures" like him.

Minggu, 12 Juni 2011

Chunk 1


Willy Loman, an elderly failing salesman whose salary has been taken away and works on straight commission, returns home from a sales trip that he could not complete. He is weary and tired of life on the road. His two grown sons, Biff and Hap have returned home to visit. Biff has lost his way in life and has returned home after 15 years of drifting. Hap, who lives in his own apartment is also home to visit.

Willy has a conversation with his wife, Linda, as he gets ready for bed. Willy cannot understand why Biff is lost, with no job and no money to his name. Willy reminisces about the past and the reader sees for the first time that Willy sometimes lapses into another era, when he talks about opening the windshield on his car. Linda suggests Willy go to the kitchen have some whipped cheese before coming to bed.

Meanwhile, the boys are having a conversation in their old bedroom. They discuss their father and the fact that he is becoming senile in his old age. They have been on a date, and through their conversation we see that Hap holds himself to low moral standards. They talk about success, their hopes, and all the while Willy is downstairs having a conservation with no one. Willy is immersed in one of his flashbacks, where he relives conversations and scenes from the past. The boys are embarrassed for him, and the scene transforms into a fall day, 15 years ago.

Chunk 2


Chunk two begins as a transition from Willy standing in the kitchen having a flashback as an observer sees it, to the flashback as Willy sees and lives it. The reader is taken back to Biff's senior year of high school. Biff is the captain of the football team, and he is full of verve and life, much different from the drained and confused present-day Biff.

Biff is in the yard practicing his passing with a new football. Willy asks him where he got it. "… I borrowed it from the locker room," he says. All of the Loman's are good with their euphemistic view of situations. "Coach'll probably congratulate you on your initiative!" replies Willy.

Willy and Linda talk and Willy tells Linda that he feels he is foolish to look at, and this is possibly why he doesn't sell as much merchandise as he could. During this scene, Willy has a brief remembrance of a woman he has had an affair with. She is a young woman who he meets on his sales trips, and he gives her Linda's stockings as presents.

As Willy comes out of these guilty thoughts, Bernard, the next-door neighbor boy, comes in and tells Willy that Biff had better start studying for the Regents or he will not graduate from high school. Willy goes into a rage and begins storming around looking for Biff. As Willy paces around the house ranting, the scene switches back to present-day and Hap comes downstairs and discovers his father talking to no one.

Chunk 3


Willy is ranting in the kitchen, and Hap comes downstairs to quiet him down. Willy's mind returns to the present-day. Willy talks of his failure to make the trip to New England. He starts talking about his brother, Ben, now dead. Ben is a mysterious, almost god-like figure, whom Willy idolizes. Ben became rich mining diamonds in the jungles of Africa. Ben had asked Willy to come along, but Willy declined.

Willy begins to accuse Hap that he is too free with his money, his women, and his car. Charlie, the next door neighbor, comes over to see what's wrong. They sit down and play cards, while Hap goes upstairs. During the course of the game, Willy is cheating, and making fun of Charlie. Charlie, who owns a sales firm, offers Willy a job. Willy declines, and the reader gets the sense this conversation has taken place many times. They talk about Biff and how he wants to go back to Texas. Willy ends up insulting Charlie and begins to talk of his brother Ben. Willy begins to slip into another flashback and soon, Charlie is out the door and the scene is back to Biff's senior year in high school on the day Ben visited the family before leaving on a business trip.
They talk about their father, a man who deserted his family. He sold wooden flutes, and for some reason Willy idolizes his father. Willy believes his father was a rich and successful man. Ben challenges Biff to a fight, and Biff ends up on the ground.

Willy tries to show of the prowess of his sons by asking them to go steal some sand from a construction site to rebuild the front stoop. Ben tells them the simple story of how he became successful, and then is gone. The scene switches back to present-day.

Chunk 4


Willy is yelling, "I was right! I was right!" as the present-day Linda comes down and finds him in the kitchen. Willy decides to go for a walk and leaves the house. He continues yelling as he walks down the street, lost in the past. Biff comes downstairs and talks to Linda. He wants to know how long Willy has been acting strangely. Linda accuses of Biff of not being home enough, or at least in contact with Willy. Linda says that Willy is all smiles and perfectly fine when Biff writes. It seems that just thinking about a happy future is all it takes for Willy to be content.

Through Linda's dialogue the reader sees that Willy and Biff have been at odds since the summer after Biff graduated from high school. Biff has no respect for his father anymore, although he used to in high school. Happy comes downstairs and joins the conversation.

Linda accuses Biff and Happy of deserting the family. She tells them that Willy is exhausted. He has worked all his life for his boys, and now his sons have turned their backs. Linda shows the boys that Willy has been trying to kill himself. Willy's car accidents are no accidents, and he has fixed a hose up to the water heater in the cellar to suck gas.

Biff tells Linda that he will try his best to please Willy and make do. Hap and Biff begin arguing about why Biff has always failed in the business world. During this argument Willy walks in the door. Biff and Willy begin arguing. As the tension increases, Hap tries to smooth things over by telling Willy that Biff is going to see Bill Oliver - Biff's previous employer - to see if he'll loan them money to start a sporting goods business. Hap comes up with a fantastical plan to make money and Willy immediately becomes all smiles. Biff is being pushed into something he doesn't want to do, but goes along with it for now just please his father.
Near the end of the scene, they begin fighting again and Willy goes up to bed upset. The boys go up and try to cheer him up.

Chunk 5


It is morning the next day, and the beginning of Act II. Willy is very happy, knowing that his sons are going to see Bill Oliver and become successes. Nothing can ruin this. The boys have left the house, and Willy is preparing to go see his own boss, Howard, to tell him that he does not want to travel anymore and wishes to have a job on the sales floor in New York. As he leaves, Linda tells him that the boys are going to treat him to a big dinner that night at Frank's Chop House.

Willy has a long discussion with Howard, and finally Howard tells Willy that the firm is firing him. Willy is shocked. Howard is the son of the previous owner, who Willy was good friends with. Willy delivers a long monologue about sales, and eventually Howard leaves the office for a few minutes. Ben appears and Willy is transported back to Biff's senior year again. It is the day of the big football game. Biff has been asked to attend three Universities. Willy refuses Ben's business offer once more, and tries to defend his position as a "lowly" salesman. Still immersed in this fantasy, Willy leaves Howard's ranting as he walks down the street to Charlie's office.

At Charlie's office Willy runs into Bernard and they talk for a bit. Willy is almost in tears and asks Bernard what happened to Biff after his senior year. Biff had flunked math and was ready to complete the credit in summer school, but he did not and became a drifter. Bernard tells Willy that after Biff went to go see Willy on a business trip, he came back changed. Willy refuses to talk about what happened on the trip, and soon Bernard is off.

Willy and Charlie talk for a little while. Charlie gives Willy fifty dollars so that he can go home to Linda and pretend that it's his pay. Willy leaves the office almost in tears and we are then taken to Frank's Chop House where the boys are waiting for Willy.

Chunk 6


It is now the same evening and Hap has arrived at Frank's Chop House where he and Biff and Willy are going to meet for dinner. Happy starts hitting on a woman at the next table and Biff comes in, distraught. Biff did not land the deal with Bill Oliver that day, and now he has to somehow tell the bad news to Willy. Hap tells Biff that it would be best if they simply lie to Willy and make up a story about how Bill Oliver is going to think it over. Biff does not want to do this. Biff's experience that day with Oliver made him realize everything that is wrong in his life and how to fix it, but he knows Willy will not be pleased.

Willy arrives and Biff begins telling his story. Biff did not actually even see Oliver, in fact he accidentally stole Oliver's fountain pen. As Biff tries to tell the truth, Hap keeps interrupting, trying to turn the story around so Willy will not be upset. Willy ends up leaving the table, and goes to the restroom where he lapses into another flashback. Biff and Happy leave the restaurant with a couple of women.

The reader is taken back to the summer after Biff flunked math his senior year. Willy is in a hotel room on a business trip with a woman he has been having an affair with. Biff has decided to come visit his father to talk to him about flunking the math class and ends up discovering his father's infidelity. We are then transported back to Frank's Chop House, present day.
Willy leaves the restaurant in a daze.

Chunk 7


Biff and Hap return home late that evening, after Willy. Linda is awake still, and none too happy that her sons abandoned Willy in the restaurant. She lambastes the boys about their behavior and Biff insists on seeing Willy. Linda will not permit it, knowing that an argument will ensue. Meanwhile, Willy is outside planting the garden and talking to Uncle Ben.

He talks to Ben about how his life insurance money will give Biff the start he needs to be success. They discuss this for a while and Biff comes out to talk to Willy. Biff has decided to simply leave the house and never come back or have any contact with his parents again.

Biff pulls Willy inside so he can say goodbye to both of them. A huge argument occurs. Biff pulls out the rubber hose that Willy has been sucking gas from the furnace with. The climax of the play occurs during this argument, and Biff goes to his room, promising to leave in the morning.

As the house settles down and Linda and the boys get ready for bed, Willy is in the kitchen. Ben appears again and tells Willy that his plan is sound. Willy tells Ben that Biff will finally realize how much he (Willy) is loved when Biff sees all of the hundreds of people that show up to his funeral. Ben leaves and Willy follows him out the door. Willy gets in his car and drives to his death.

The next scene is at the grave site after Willy's funeral. Only Biff, Hap, Linda, Charlie and Bernard are present. The play closes with just Linda onstage talking to Willy.

Kamis, 09 Juni 2011

the bluest eye

Seorang gadis berusia sembilan tahun, Claudia Macteer, hidup dengan ayah dan ibunya, Mr. dan Mrs. Macteer, serta kakaknya Frieda, gadis berusia sepuluh tahun. Keluarga Macteer miskin dengan rumah kecil, tetapi mereka saling menyayangi. Cinta itu ditunjukkan oleh ibunya saat Claudia sakit di musim gugur. Sakit itu membuat ibunya marah dan ngomel-ngomel. Ibunya marah karena rasa sayangnya pada anaknya, dibuktikan dia tetap merawat putrinya sampai keadaannya membaik.

Suatu hari di musim gugur, Tuan Henry datang ke rumah keluarga Macteer untuk menyewa sebuah ruangan di rumah itu dengan membayar lima dolar setiap dua minggu.
Saat dirinya melihat Frieda dan Claudia, dia membandingkan mereka dengan bintang film Hollywood Greta Garbo dan Ginger Rogers. Kedatangan Tuan Henry membuat kelucuan, Frieda dan Claudia menyukainya.
Setelah kedatangan Tuan Henry, di musim yang sama Pecola Breedlove datang untuk tinggal bersama Keluarga Macteer. Dia dikirimkan oleh pemerintah daerahnya kepada keluarga Macteer karena ayahnya, Cholly Breedlove, telah menyakiti ibunya dan berusaha membakar rumahnya sehingga mereka tidak memiliki tempat tinggal, sementara Cholly berada di penjara. Pecola berusia sebelas tahun. Dia sangat menyukai gelas biru kecil milik keluarga Macteer dan mangkuk dengan Shirley Temple yang putih. Claudia tidak menyukai Shirley Temple sebab Shirley telah berdansa dengan Bojangles, salah satu artis kesayangannya. Dia juga membenci perempuan yang memiliki rambut pirang dan mata biru.

Frieda, Claudia, dan Pecola berada di luar. Pada saat yang sama Pecola sadar bahwa dirinya mengeluarkan darah di antara kedua kakinya. Pecola takut. Dia berpikir bahwa dia akan mati. Frieda meyakinkan kepada keduanya bahwa Pecola telah menstruasi dan mulai sekarang dia dapat mempunyai bayi. Suatu malam, Pecola masih heran apa yang dikatakan Frieda. Dia bertanya apa yang harus dia lakukan untuk memiliki bayi. Frieda berkata kepadanya harus ada seseorang yang mencintainya. Jawaban Frieda membuatnya bingung tentang bagaimana dia mendapatkan seseorang yang mencintainya.

Keluarga Breedlove tinggal di sebuah gudang tidak hanya karena kemiskinannya tetapi juga karena kejelekannya. Semua keluarga Breedlove memang buruk rupa. Orang-orang mengetahui hal itu, dan mereka sadar akan kejelekannya. Mereka menganggapnya
sebagai topeng yang dipakai setiap hari. Kejelekan Cholly ditunjukkan oleh aksi dan sikapnya, tetapi kejelekannya secara langsung tercermin dari istri dan kedua anaknya, Sammy dan Pecola.
Suatu hari di Bulan Oktober yang sangat dingin, Cholly dan Nyonya Breedlove terlibat pertengkaran hebat. Nyonya Breedlove memaksa Cholly mendapatkan batubara. Pertengkaran itu tidak berlangsung lama. Akhirnya Cholly tak sadarkan diri. Pecola yang melihat pertengkaran itu berharap kepada Tuhan agar dirinya bisa menghilang saat itu juga karena tidak ingin melihat orang tuanya bertengkar. Perlahan-lahan seluruh tubuhnya lemah seakan menghilang kecuali matanya. Dirinya tidak pernah mendapati matanya menghilang. Dia memandang dirinya di depan cermin, dan bertanya mengenai kejelekannya. Kejelekannya membuatnya susah. Gurunya tidak memperdulikannya, teman sekelasnya menghinanya, dan orang tuanya pun melalaikannya. Dia terus berdoa tiap malam kepada Tuhan agar dia memiliki mata biru. Dia percaya bahwa jika dirinya memiliki mata biru yang sangat cantik, dia akan mempunyai teman dan orang tuanya berhenti bertengkar. Pecola berteman dengan dengan tiga orang wanita tuna susila yang tinggal satu gedung dengannya, di lantai dua, tempat ia dan keluarganya juga tinggal. Mereka sangat baik dan ramah, memberikan pakaian dan permen padanya, dan selalu menceritakan cerita-cerita lucu padanya.

Pecola keluar rumah untuk membeli permen dari sebuah toko. Dia membeli permen Mary Jane dari seorang penjaga toko kulit putih, Tuan Yacobowski. Setiap bungkus permen terdapat gambar Mary Jane dengan mata biru, kulit putih, dan rambut pirang. Menurut Pecola, itu sangat cantik.
Pada musim dingin, Pecola dan Claudia bersahabat dengan murid baru di sekolah mereka, Maureen Peel. Maureen adalah seorang gadis berdarah campuran kulit hitam dan kulit putih atau disebut mulatto. Dia gadis kecil yang cantik dan kaya, menjadi terkenal dan bintang di sekolah. Semua orang menyukai dan memperhatikannya. Suatu hari sepulang sekolah Maureen mengajak Caludia dan Frieda pulang bersama. Dalam perjalanan pulang mereka melihat Pecola sedang diganggu oleh sekelompok anak laki-laki. Frieda berhasil menghentikan tingkah sekolompok anak itu dan memaksanya meninggalkan Pecola sendiri. Keempat gadis itu kemudian berjalan bersama. Suatu ketika, Maureen menanyakan sesuatu kepada Pecola tentang seorang pria telanjang. Pecola berpikir itu tentang ayahnya yang telanjang. Pertanyaan itu tidak hanya membuat Pecola benci tetapi juga Frieda dan Claudia benci dan marah. Mereka memaksanya menghentikan pertanyaan itu dan memukulnya.

Beberapa hari kemudian, Frieda dan Claudia pergi ke rumah keluarga Breedlove, tetapi tidak ada orang di sana. Di balcon di atas pintu, Mary (Maginot Line, salah satu dari tiga pelacur) berbicara pada mereka bahwa Pecola dan ibunya telah pindah ke rumah keluarga kulit putih di mana Nyonya Breedlove bekerja sebagai pembantu. Kemudian mereka berjalan dan mencari rumah di mana Nyonya Breedlove bekerja. Akhirnya, mereka menemukan rumah itu dan melihat Pecola duduk di luar. Nyonya Breedlove mengetahui kedatangan mereka dan menyuruh masuk. Kemudian dia melanjutkan pekerjaannya. Tidak lama setelah itu, tampak seorang gadis kulit putih anak majikannya dan Nyonya Breedlove takut gadis itu melihat mereka. Gadis itu mencari Polly, nama yang digunakannya untuk memanggil Pauline, ibu Pecola. Karena kurang hati-hati,
Pecola menjatuhkan kue pie berry buatan ibunya sehingga Nyonya Breedlove marah kemudian mengusir Pecola, Frieda, dan Claudia.

Pauline Breedlove dulunya tinggal di Alabama. Kakinya terluka oleh paku sehingga pincang secara permanen. Dia hanya mengurus rumah sampai ia bertemu dan menikah dengan Cholly Breedlove, baru setelah itu ia pindah ke Lorain, Ohio. Namun ia merasa kurang nyaman tinggal di Lorain dan sering ke bioskop untuk mencoba lari dari permasalahannya. Ia juga baru mengenal standar kecantikan di Lorain yang menempatkan diri dan keluarganya pada tempat yang paling rendah.

Di Lorain Ohio ada seorang wanita, Geraldine, yang tinggal bersama putranya, Junior. Dirinya sangat tertekan sehingga tidak dapat mengasuh putranya dengan baik dan hanya mencintai kucingnya. Junior sangat benci kepada kucing itu dan berusaha menyiksanya. Geraldine mengajarkan pada putranya orang Afrika-Amerika berkulit putih jauh lebih baik dari orang Afrika-Amerika berkulit hitam, dan harus menjaga jarak dengannya. Ketika melihat Pecola, Junior membujuknya bermain di rumahnya. Saat tiba di sana, Junior melemparkan kucingnya tepat di wajah Pecola. Kemudian Junior menyiksa dan hampir membunuh kucing itu. Geraldine yang mengetahui hal itu menyalahkan Pecola dan menyebutnya pelacur hitam yang menjijikkan.
Cholly Breedlove ditinggalkan ayahnya sebelum dia lahir, kemudian ibunya juga meninggal ketika ia baru berusia empat hari. Kemudian dirinya dibesarkan dan diasuh bibinya, Jimmy. Dia tidak mengetahui keberadaan ayahnya sehingga bertanya kepada bibinya tentang ayahnya. Bibinya menjawab bahwa ayahnya adalah Samson Fuller. Bibinya meninggal ketika dia berusia empat belas tahun. Setelah kematian bibinya dia memutuskan untuk mencari ayahnya ke Macon seperti yang dikatakan bibinya sewaktu
masih hidup. Di samping mencari ayahnya, dia sebenarnya ingin lari dari kesalahan yang dibuatnya yaitu menghamili seorang gadis. Saat dirinya berhasil menemukan ayahnya di Macon, sang ayah justru tidak percaya dan menganggapnya hanya omong kosong. Hal itu membuat Cholly amat terluka, dan menjadi pemabuk. Kemudian dia bertemu dengan Pauline. Tak lama setelah itu, mereka menikah dan memiliki dua orang anak, Sammy dan Pecola.

Sabtu sore di musim Semi Cholly yang saat itu mabuk memperkosa anaknya, Pecola, sampai membuatnya tak sadarkan diri. Ketika ia terbangun, ia tidak dapat mengingat apa yang telah terjadi. Kemudian, Pecola hamil.
Suatu hari Pecola datang ke Shophead Church, seorang yang berpura-pura menjadi ahli spiritual untuk menipu dan memanfaatkan orang-orang yang meminta bantuan kepadanya, untuk memintanya memberikan mata biru. Shophead tidak yakin dapat mengabulkan permintaannya sehingga berkata kepadanya bahwa dirinya akan mendapatkan mata biru jika dia memberikan makanan kepada anjing pemilik kontrakan, tempat Shophead tinggal. Jika tidak terjadi apa-apa terhadap anjing itu, maka Tuhan tidak mengabulkan permintaannya. Tetapi, jika terjadi sesuatu dengan anjing itu maka Tuhan akan segera mengabulkan permintaannya. Shophead memberikan bungkusan makanan yang telah diberi racun kepada Pecola agar memberikannya pada anjing itu. Dia tidak mengetahui makanan itu telah diberi racun oleh dukun itu. Dirinya terkejut ketika menyaksikan anjing itu mati di depannya setelah makan makanan tadi. Dukun itu percaya kekuatan magisnya akan bekerja meskipun hanya Pecola yang mampu melihat mata biru tersebut.

Kehamilan Pecola diketahui oleh Frieda dan Claudia. Mereka mengetahui kehamilannya diakibatkan oleh ayahnya. Tak ada seorang pun yang melihat duka citanya dan tak ada seorang pun yang menginginkan bayi itu bertahan. Ketika mereka megetahui kehamilan itu, mereka sangat sedih dan membatalkan rencananya membeli sepeda dari hasil penjualan Bibit Marigold. Bibit itu tidak jadi mereka jual dan menanamnya sembari berdoa agar bayi Pecola tetap hidup. Namun bibit itu tidak pernah tumbuh dan pada akhirnya bayi itu meninggal.

Pecola mempunyai teman dalam imajinasinya. Ia selalu mengajaknya bercakap-cakap, membicarakan tentang hal-hal yang menyenangkan, tentang mata birunya yang indah sampai-sampai orang iri padanya. Dirinya tidak ingin membicarakan tentang Cholly yang memperkosanya dan ibunya yang tidak percaya padanya. Pecola dianggap gila karena sering berkeliling ke sana ke mari, mengepakkan kedua tangannya, menganggukkan kepalanya seperti bermain musik, dan berbicara pada dirinya sendiri.